Contact Info, Phone, Cell, Internet & Emergencies
Staff Contact Information
- Rich Shattuck, Owner:
- H) 304-258-4406
- C) 301-788-1434
- Teresa Shattuck, Owner:
- H) 304-258-4406
- 240-674-8876
- Derek Keller, Grounds and Maintenance:
- C) 540-974-5520
Land Line Phone
- There is a landline telephone located in the cabin:
- 304-947-5446. Dial 1 before making a long-distance call.
- Check voice messages by dialing
- *100, then enter passcode: 2864#
Cell Phone Service/Internet
- There is no internet service at Three Otters.
- Cell service for sending or receiving texts or making calls is spotty.
- Dial 911 in case of emergency.
- Morgan County Sheriff: 304-258-1067
- Paw Paw, WV Fire and Rescue: 304-947-7644
- The physical address for Three Otters is:
- 8497 Low Line Road, Great Cacapon, WV 25422
- Hospitals:
- Berkeley Springs, WV (50 minutes away): 1 Healthy Way, Berkeley Springs, WV; 304-258-1234
- Cumberland, MD (65 minutes away): Western Maryland Regional Medical Center, 12500 Willowbrook Rd., Cumberland, MD; 240-964-1800
Medivac Landing Site: Three Otters is the dedicated Medevac landing site for the entire area. If anything really serious happens, help is a short flight away.